Florida Home
Improvement Calculator

Compare Your
Financing Options

Find out how much your property improvement project may cost with our cost calculator. After calculating your estimated costs, explore the various financing options available to you and how they stack up when compared to Florida PACE.

Home Improvement Cost Calculator 1

Florida PACE vs. Other Funding Options

Home improvements are expensive. That’s why it’s imperative you take your time to compare the options before entering into a long-term funding plan. You deserve to go into your home improvement project feeling confident that you’ve made an informed decision, not like you rushed into a financial mistake.

We’ll help you understand your funding options so you can feel at ease about the agreement terms you’re entering into. Compare Florida PACE to the other available funding options like a HELOC, credit cards and cash before you make a final decision on how you’ll fund your home improvement project.


$0 Down

$999,99 Over 15 Years

Collected as an ANNUAL payment on your property tax bill.
  • No down payment required to get your project started
  • Together, we come to an agreed-upon payment term
    (usually the useful life of the improvements)
  • No minimum credit score required to qualify
  • No adjustments to interest rates and no balloon payments
  • PACE funding plans should be paid in full before selling or refinancing your home (sometimes plans can be transferred upon sale)
  • Your repayment plan will be added to your ANNUAL property tax bill

This calculator provides an estimate based on the home improvement project you selected. Payment amounts are subject to change.


While a credit card allows you to charge the total cost of your home improvement at once with no down payment, you’ll be compounding interest that can end up equaling more than 50% of your originally financed amount, depending on your card’s interest rate. Learn more about credit card debt here.


With a HELOC, you’re borrowing against the available equity in your home, while your home is used as collateral for the line of credit.

You’ll qualify for a HELOC if you have 15 – 20% equity in your home and have a good credit score of approximately 660 or higher.

While this is a good way to finance home improvements, it can be a lengthy process of up to 2 – 3 weeks or more.


Paying in cash is the ideal way to pay for your home improvement project. However, you may need a financing option, such as Florida PACE, to equip you with a plan to get your repair or replacement started.

With Florida PACE, you can finance a roof replacement, solar panels, an air conditioner repair/ replacement and more. We’ll help you make the best decision about how to finance home improvements, so you feel well-equipped with a payment plan that works for you.

Apply now to see if your project qualifies — it’s quick and easy!